To gauge your repayment capabilities, lenders look into your financial profile before approving a loan. Part of this includes checking your income and verifying it through your salary slips. That said, you can get a personal loan without a salary slip, especially if you are self-employed. Sometimes the process involves demonstrating alternate sources of income, and at other times, establishing a rapport with your lender and keeping your credit score high. Here are five tips to obtain a personal loan without a salary slip to help you get the funding you desire without proof of employee wages.
5 Ways to Get Instant Personal Loan Without Salary Slip
1. Produce an alternate proof of income
If you are self-employed, a freelancer, earning in cash, or working on a contract, you may seek an urgent loan without a salary slip and bank statement. In such cases, you need to produce other financial documents to validate your income. This may take the form of an income certificate, bank account statements, ITR or Form 16. A steady source of income assures lenders of repayment and thus helps you qualify for a cost-effective loan faster. The same logic follows in case you apply for a personal loan without a salary account: produce relevant documents showing stable income.
2. Maintain a healthy credit score
Whether you are self-employed or facing a job loss and currently without salary slips for a few months, you must keep your credit score high. This number reflects your repayment history, credit handling abilities, and your debt status. Thus, it gives lenders an indication of your creditworthiness. This helps them know how you will approach loan EMIs in the future. Aim for a score of 685 or higher and above to secure financing easily. It showcases that you have been responsible for credit in the past.
Additional read: Improve your CIBIL score
3. Offer to pledge an asset as security
In case you lack the financial strength at present, inquire if your lender approves of asset-backed loans. Good collateral like high-value FDs, mutual fund units and gold give you something to lean on other than your current financial profile. With the asset securing repayment, you may be able to get an easy loan without documents to back your current finances.
4. Sign up for funding with a co-applicant
Applying jointly with a creditworthy individual can be your best bet if you approach your loan without bank statements and payslips. This is because your co-applicants steady income will increase the lender’s confidence and trust in your repayment capabilities. This is because co-signers normally serve as secondary sources of repayment. So, in case you fail to make some repayments, your lender can bank on your creditworthy co-applicant to fill in the gap. This can help you obtain funding on easier terms.
Additional read: How much Personal Loan do you get on salary?
5. Find a lender with simple eligibility terms
When seeking a personal loan without payslips, you must find a lender who keeps the personal loan eligibility criteria simple. This will make way for a smooth loan application, verification and approval. One lender who gives you funding on easy terms, coupled with customised offers, is Bajaj Finserv.
Here you can get an instant personal loan of up to Rs. 40 lakh approved in less than 5 minutes, with the finances disbursed within 24 hours. The flexible tenure of 6 months to 96 months coupled with the Flexi Loan facility lets you borrow on the go and prepay easily to help you manage your loan better. You can also use your our personal loan EMI calculator to calculate your EMIs beforehand and plan your monthly payments wisely.
Additional Read: Personal Loan For Proprietorship Company Employees
To streamline your loan application today, check your pre-approved personal loan offer from Bajaj Finserv. Doing so lets you apply via a customised deal and gives you instant approval.
Steps to apply for a personal loan with Bajaj Finance Limited
You can apply for a Bajaj Finance Personal Loan by following these simple steps:
- Visit the personal loan page and click on ‘APPLY’
- Enter your 10-digit mobile number and OTP.
- Fill in the application form with your basic details.
- Now, click on ‘PROCEED’ to visit the loan selection page.
- Enter the loan amount that you need. Choose from our three personal loan variants –Term, Flexi Term, and Flexi Hybrid.
- Choose the repayment tenure – you can select tenure options of 6 months to 96 months and click on ‘PROCEED’.
- Complete your KYC and submit your application.