A credit card lets you make instant high-value purchases and pay later. While allowing you to utilise credit, your issuer draws up a bill based on your usage every month. As paying these bills in full prevents the build-up of interest expenses, you try to keep your credit usage to a minimum. While this can go a long way, it is also important to ensure that you are the only one benefiting from this financial tool. Steering clear of fraudulent activity helps you protect your finances from scams and debt caused by it.
One way to protect your credit card from misuse is by changing your PIN regularly. A PIN is a 4-digit identification number that is unique to the card. When transacting with a credit card, the payment system matches your user ID with your PIN and only then permits the payment. The same principle applies when you make ATM withdrawals. If your user ID and PIN do not match, your transaction will be denied. Therefore, it is very important to set a strong PIN, memorise it and change it every few months to safeguard your credit card.
Additional read: How to check credit card balance online?
Get your own Bajaj Finserv co-brand credit card.
Initially, you receive a PIN for your credit card along with the welcome kit. Once you receive the kit, change the PIN for safety purposes.
Here is how you can change your credit card PIN in two easy ways:
Change your credit card PIN at an ATM
A step-by-step process to change your credit card PIN at an ATM:
- Visit your issuer’s nearest ATM and insert your credit card in the machine
- Choose your preferred language
- Input your existing credit card PIN
- Click on the ‘Change PIN’ option
- Wait to receive an OTP on your registered mobile number
- Enter the OTP to verify
- Enter your chosen 4-digit PIN
- Re-enter the new PIN
- Click on the ‘submit’ option
Change credit card PIN through net banking
A step-by-step process to change your credit card PIN through net banking:
- Sign in to your net banking account
- From the menu, select ‘Credit Card’
- Choose the ‘Change PIN’ option
- Wait to receive an OTP on your registered mobile number
- Verify the OTP by entering it and then continue
- Enter your chosen 4-digit new PIN
- Re-enter the new PIN to verify
- Click on ‘submit’ to reset your PIN
Either way, the issuer will notify you about your change of PIN. If you receive such a notification and have not initiated this transaction, immediately contact your issuer on the credit card customer care number.
To enjoy increased safety on a credit card, apply for the Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank Credit Card that comes with zero-fraud liability and in-hand security features. The RBL MyCard app allows you to have greater control over your credit card as you can monitor all your spends and set a spending limit on the go. You can also reset your PIN within minutes by visiting the RBL Bank website, navigating to the credit card section, and clicking on ‘Set PIN’. Use an OTP to complete safety procedures and set your new PIN.
Apart from great security, the SuperCard allows you to make a 50-day interest-free ATM withdrawal and convert your purchases of Rs. 2,500 or more into easy EMIs. You can further enjoy a range of exciting and exclusive discounts from partner vendors. To benefit from exciting tailor-made deals for you, check your credit card offer and add the SuperCard to your wallet today.
Additional read: National Common Mobility Card
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