Paying your credit card bills on time is a sure-shot method to boost your credit score and ensure that you stay away from a debt trap. Today, paying your credit card bill is easier than ever, as you can initiate this online from your home or office. More interestingly, you can clear any outstanding dues on your credit card from other bank accounts using inter-bank payments. Here are the 3 best methods to pay your credit card bill online from another bank account.
Net banking
Issuers generally utilise a 3rd-party platform like BillDesk to facilitate an inter-bank net banking transaction. Here are the steps involved:
- Visit your credit card issuers 3rd-party payments page.
- You will be directed to a form wherein you will have to fill in your card type (VISA/ MasterCard etc.) and credit card number.
- Fill in the required personal contact details like e-mail and mobile phone number.
- Enter the amount you would like to pay.
- Choose the bank you would like to pay from using the drop-down menu and complete the transaction.
Additional read: What is CVV?
Here are the general steps involved in making your credit card bill payment via NEFT:
- Login to the net banking account of the financier with whom you have an account.
- Add your credit card as a beneficiary by making the credit card number the account number and the name on the credit card the account name.
- Feed-in your credit card issuer’s IFSC number.
- Enter the amount you would like to pay and complete the transaction.
An IMPS transaction can either be made using the MMID and mobile number method or the IFSC code and account number. Here is how you go about the MMID method:
- Open your bank’s mobile application and select the IMPS merchant payment option.
- Next, fill in the merchant mobile number and MMID number applicable for your credit card.
- Enter your credit card number and bank account number from where money will be debited in the indicated fields.
- Enter the amount you would like to pay and complete the payment.
Mentioned below are the steps involved in the IFSC code method:
- Login to your net banking page and add your credit card as a beneficiary. Add the credit card number as a payee’s account number and the name on the card as the payee name..
- Go to payments and transfers and then navigate to IMPS-IFSC.
- Choose your card as the beneficiary from the drop-down menu.
- Enter the amount you would like to pay and complete the transaction.
In order to have multiple payment options, choose a credit card that offers you a wide range of payment options. One such card is the Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank Credit Card. Here, you have various payment options such as BillDesk, NEFT, Net Banking, NACH facility, cheque and even the RBL MyCard App. If you want to pay your RBL SuperCard bill through a non-RBL bank account, all you need to do is avail of the Net Banking facility through third-party payment gateways like BillDesk, PayU and Razorpay.
All RBL SuperCards offer the features of 4 cards in one. You can use this as a regular credit card, make 50-day interest-free cash withdrawals at ATMs and obtain a quick 90-day interest-free personal loan. Additionally, you can convert purchases over Rs. 2,500 into smaller EMIs and save more by grabbing attractive credit card deals and discounts.
If the RBL SuperCard fulfils all your spending needs, then we’d recommend getting your hands on one immediately. In order to speed up the approval process of your credit card, apply online via a customised offer. To gain this, simply check your pre-approved credit card offer from Bajaj Finserv. A 1-step verification will give you instant approval and access to personalised credit card financing.
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