When you are living on a structured monthly budget, large and unexpected costs might throw you off the course. Consequently, adjusting your budget to cover a large expense can be challenging. Most of us use a large portion of our pay cheque towards regular bills and predetermined savings goals. Here is where an instant personal loan for salaried professionals could come in handy. It enables you to meet your financial obligations for varied purposes on short notice, without putting a dent in your savings.
An instant loan for salaried employees is a type of personal loan that is designed specifically for individuals who are employed and receive a regular salary. This loan is available to you no matter what field you work in. Employees of both private and public companies can apply for and qualify for these personal loans for salaried individuals.
Features of an instant personal loan for salaried
Our Insta Personal Loan for salaried professionals is an excellent option for people looking for immediate access to funds with minimal documentation requirements. You may get a loan of up to Rs. 12,76,500 in as little as 30 minutes* to 4 hours to cover all kinds of expenses.
Key features include:
- Pre-approved offers
- Immediate disbursal
- Minimal to no documentation
- Simple application process
Eligibility criteria for salaried individuals
There are no specific minimum salary requirements for our Insta Personal Loans as we extend pre-approved offers based on several parameters such as your credit score, repayment history, and so on. Even new customers can generate an Insta Personal Loan offer by entering their mobile number and OTP.
Documents required for an instant loan for salaried employees
Minimal documentation is one of the most significant advantages of Insta Personal Loans, and in some cases, you might not even need to provide any documents. In case you are asked for documents, you will only need the following:
- KYC documents
- Cancelled cheque
- Bank account details
Here is how you can get an instant personal loan for salaried employees
- Click on ‘CHECK OFFER’ at the top of the page to open our online form
- Enter your 10-digit mobile number, then use the OTP that is provided to your phone to confirm your profile
- You will be presented with an offer with a pre-assigned loan limit. You can either accept it or settle for a smaller sum
- Choose a repayment period that works best for you
- Click on ‘PROCEED’ to finish the online process
The online procedure may differ slightly depending on whether you are a new customer or an existing one. Some customers may be required to submit additional documentation to complete the application procedure for an Insta Personal Loan.
If you do not see an offer
If you do not see an offer or want to borrow additional funds, you can use our regular online application instead. It only takes 5 minutes to apply for a regular personal loan.
How to choose a loan amount for salaried employees
Existing customers can view their pre-approved loan limit, while new customers can generate their pre-assigned loan limits. In addition, customers have the option of accepting the offered loan or settling for a lesser sum. It is important to select a loan amount that you can repay comfortably over a set duration. You can use the Insta Personal Loan EMI Calculator to determine a suitable loan amount to borrow based on the EMIs and loan tenure. Calculating monthly payments with the Insta Personal Loan EMI Calculator requires only the loan amount, loan tenure, and interest rate.
You can adjust the loan amount and tenure to arrive at an EMI amount you are comfortable with. If you extend the tenure of the loan, your monthly payments will decrease and vice versa. You can accomplish this by modifying the appropriate calculator fields. The Insta Personal Loan EMI Calculator also offers a breakdown of interest and principal over the tenure that you choose.
Insta Personal Loan is your best bet if you are looking for a loan that is processed quickly and deposited into your bank account. Learn more about it and check your offer online by clicking the link below.
*Terms and conditions apply