Square Yard to Square Feet Conversion

Learn how to convert square yards to square feet with our comprehensive guide. Know the formula, common conversions, and the difference between these two units.
Square Yard to Square Feet Conversion
2 min read
4 November 2023

When dealing with property measurements, understanding different units of area is essential. One of the common conversions you might encounter is the conversion from square yards (sq yd) to square feet (sq ft). Whether you are a homebuyer, a real estate enthusiast, or simply curious about land measurements, knowing how to convert square yards to square feet can be quite valuable.

Square yard to square feet conversion

Converting square yards to square feet is a common task when dealing with property measurements. In India, where square feet and square yards are often used in real estate, construction, and interior design, it is essential to understand how to make this conversion. The relationship between square yards and square feet is straightforward: 1 square yard is equal to 9 square feet.

To convert square yards to square feet, you can use the simple formula: Square feet (sq ft) = square yards (sq yd) * 9

For example, if you have a piece of land that measures 5 square yards, you can calculate the equivalent area in square feet as follows: Square feet = 5 sq yd * 9 = 45 sq ft

So, 5 square yards are equivalent to 45 square feet.

Popular square yard to square feet conversions

Before we dive into the conversions, let us look at some common square yard to square feet conversions you might come across in real estate and property transactions:

  • 1 Square yard to square feet: 1 sq yd = 9 sq ft
  • 1 Square yard to square feet: 1 sq yd = 9 sq ft
  • Yards to square feet calculator: To convert any number of square yards to square feet, you can simply multiply the number of square yards by 9. For example, if you have 10 square yards, it would be 10 sq yd * 9 sq ft/sq yd = 90 sq ft.

How to convert square yard to square feet

Converting square yards to square feet is a straightforward process. You can use a simple multiplication formula to make the conversion. The formula for this conversion is:

Square feet = Square yards * 9

To convert square yards to square feet, you multiply the number of square yards by 9. This is because 1 square yard is equal to 9 square feet.

Square yard to square feet – Formula and example

Let us illustrate the conversion with an example:

Example: You have a piece of land that measures 5 square yards. To find the equivalent in square feet, use the formula:

Square feet (sq ft) = Square yards (sq yd) * 9

Square feet = 5 sq yd * 9 = 45 sq ft

So, 5 square yards are equal to 45 square feet.

About square yard

A square yard is a unit of area used in the Imperial system of measurement. In India, it is often used for measuring land, especially in real estate. The square yard is equivalent to an area that measures 1 yard by 1 yard, or 3 feet by 3 feet.

Dimensions of square yard

  • Length: 3 feet
  • Width: 3 feet
  • Area: 9 square feet

About square feet

Square feet, on the other hand, is a widely used unit of area in India. It is commonly used in property listings, construction, and interior design. A square foot is the area of a square with sides that are each 1 foot long.

Difference between square yard and square feet

The primary difference between square yards and square feet is their size. Square yard is a larger unit of measurement compared to square feet. As mentioned earlier, 1 square yard is equal to 9 square feet.

The table below highlights the key differences between square yards and square feet, including their abbreviations, dimensions, and common usage. Square yards are typically used for larger land area measurements in real estate, while square feet are commonly employed in interior design and construction projects, given their smaller size.


Square yard (sq yd)

Square foot (sq ft)

Equivalent in square feet

1 sq yd = 9 sq ft

1 sq ft = 1 sq ft


Length: 1 yard (3 feet)

Length: 1 foot


Width: 1 yard (3 feet)

Width: 1 foot


1 sq yd = 9 sq ft

1 sq ft = 1 sq ft

Common usage

Real estate, land area

Real estate, interior design, construction projects

Popular square yard to square feet conversions

Square Yard (Sqyd)

Square Feet (Sqft)

1 Square Yard to Square Feet


2 Square Yard to Square Feet


3 Square Yard to Square Feet


4 Square Yard to Square Feet


5 Square Yard to Square Feet


6 Square Yard to Square Feet


7 Square Yard to Square Feet


8 Square Yard to Square Feet


9 Square Yard to Square Feet


10 Square Yard to Square Feet


Difference between square yard and square feet


Square Yard

Square Feet

Basic definition

The area of a square with sides of one yard (3 feet) in length.

The area of a square with sides of one foot in length.





1 square yard = 9 square feet

1 square foot = 0.1111 square yards


Commonly used for larger areas such as real estate and land measurement.

Commonly used for smaller areas such as room sizes and floor areas.

International use

Widely used in the United States, the United Kingdom, and some other countries following the imperial system.

Commonly used in various countries and internationally within the metric system.


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Frequently asked questions

How many square feet in square yard?

There are 9 square feet in 1 square yard.

How many square yard in square feet?

1 square foot is equal to 1/9 (0.1111) square yards.

How many square feet in 1 square yard?

1 square yard is equal to 9 square feet.

How many square feet in 10 square yards?

10 square yards are equal to 90 square feet.

How many square feet in 100 square yards?

100 square yards are equal to 900 square feet.ss

Which are globally accepted land measurement units for larger lands?

Globally accepted land measurement units for larger lands include acres and hectares.

Which one is bigger, square yard or square feet?

A square yard is larger than a square foot.

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