Convert Hectare to Square Feet Online

Learn how to convert from hectares to square feet with this comprehensive guide. Know the difference between these units and understand the conversion process.
Convert Hectare to Square Feet Online
2 min read
6 January 2024

The conversion from hectares to square feet is required when dealing with land area measurements. Hectares are a metric unit typically used for larger land areas, while square feet are the standard unit in the imperial system. Understanding how to convert between the two is essential for various applications, from real estate to agriculture.

How to convert hectare to square feet?

To convert hectares to square feet, you can use the following conversion factor:

1 hectare = 10,7639 square feet. This means that one hectare is equivalent to approximately 10,7639 square feet.

If you prefer a simplified version, you can use the conversion factor of 1 hectare = 107,639 square feet for quick estimations. If you find it challenging to perform these calculations manually, you can utilise an online area conversion calculator for effortless conversions.

What is hectare?

The hectare is a metric unit of area widely used in the measurement of land and agricultural fields. It is part of the International System of Units (SI) and is particularly popular in countries that have adopted the metric system. The hectare is a versatile unit, often employed for measuring large plots of land, farms, and agricultural estates.

Conversion factors:

  1. 1 hectare to square kilometre: 1 hectare is equal to 0.01 square kilometres.
  2. 1 hectare to acres: 1 hectare is approximately equal to 2.47 acres.
  3. 1 hectare to square miles: 1 hectare is roughly equal to 0.0038 square miles.

Dimensions of hectare

A hectare is a metric unit of area commonly used in the measurement of land. It is defined as 10,000 square metres. To put it in perspective, one hectare is roughly the size of a sports field. Understanding the dimensions of a hectare is crucial for those dealing with larger land areas.

About square feet

Square feet (sq ft) is a unit of area commonly used in the imperial system of measurement, particularly in the United States and some other countries. The square foot is derived from the foot, which is a unit of length. One square foot is defined as the area of a square with sides that are each one foot long. This unit of measurement is widely employed in various contexts, especially in real estate, construction, and interior design.

Dimensions of square feet

Square feet are a unit of area in the imperial system. One square foot is defined as the area of a square with sides that are each one foot long. It is widely used in countries that follow the imperial system, particularly in the United States. Square feet are commonly used in real estate to measure the size of residential and commercial properties.

Conversion factors:

  1. 1 square foot to square metre: 1 square foot is approximately equal to 0.092 square metres.
  2. 1 square foot to square yard: 1 square foot is equivalent to 0.1111 square yards.

Popular hectare to square feet conversions

Here are some popular hectare to square feet conversions:


Square Feet

Typical Usage



Often used in real estate, land surveys, and agriculture.



Appropriate for medium-sized land areas like agricultural fields.



Commonly employed in larger land development and forestry.



Used in large-scale farming or forestry projects.



Frequently used in extensive land development and conservation.


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Frequently asked questions

How many square feet is in 1 hectare?

1 hectare is equal to 10,7639 square feet.

How many hectares are in 1 square foot?

To find the equivalent hectares in square feet, multiply the number of hectares by 10,7639.

How many square feet is in 10 hectares?

10 hectares is equal to 107,639.1 square feet.

How many square feet in 100 hectares?

100 hectares is equal to 1,076,391 square feet.

What is the formula hectare to sq ft?

The formula to convert hectare to sq ft is: Hectare x 107639.104 = Sq ft. This formula helps convert the area in hectares to square feet, which is a common unit for measuring land area in some countries.

Which is bigger, 1 acre or 1 hectare?

One acre is slightly smaller than one hectare. One acre is equal to 0.4047 hectares, while one hectare is equal to 2.4711 acres. Therefore, 1 hectare is bigger than 1 acre.

What is meant by 1 hectare?

A hectare is a unit of land area measurement that is mainly used in the metric system. It is equivalent to 10,000 square meters, which is roughly the size of a sports field. Therefore, one hectare is a measurement of land area equal to 100 ares or 10,000 square meters.

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