Bigha to Katha Conversion

Learn how to convert from Bigha to Katha with this comprehensive guide. Know the difference between these units and understand the conversion process.
Bigha to Katha Conversion
2 min read
2 November 2023

When it comes to land measurement in various parts of India, the terms 'Bigha' and 'Katha' are frequently used. These units are essential for assessing the size of agricultural land and are particularly significant in real estate transactions. Read on to know more about the Bigha to Katha conversion, the dimensions of these units, and other details.

Bigha to Katha conversion

Before delving into the details, let us understand the basic conversion from Bigha to Katha. The conversion factor can vary in different regions, but generally, 1 Bigha is equal to 20 Kathas. Therefore, if you have a measurement in Bigha and want to convert it to Katha, you can simply multiply the number of Bighas by 20.

1 Bigha = 20 Kathas

It is important to note that this conversion may not be uniform throughout India, and there can be variations in different states and regions.

Popular Bigha to Katha conversions

In various parts of India, the Bigha and Katha are widely used units for land measurement. The conversion factors can differ, leading to variations in the Bigha to Katha conversion. In various regions of India and neighbouring countries, Bigha and Katha are fundamental units for land measurement, commonly used in real estate and agriculture. However, the conversion factor between Bigha and Katha varies by region.

About Bigha

The Bigha is a traditional unit of land measurement primarily used in India. It is often associated with agricultural land and can vary in size depending on the region. The dimensions of a Bigha are not standardised and may differ from one place to another.

Dimensions of Bigha

The dimensions of a Bigha can vary, but in many places, it is approximately equivalent to 0.677 acres. However, it is crucial to note that this value is not consistent across all regions, and the size of a Bigha may vary significantly depending on the specific location.

In different states and regions of India, the value of one Bigha may differ. For example, in some parts of North India, 1 Bigha is equivalent to 20 Kathas, while in other areas, it might be larger or smaller.

  • In Haryana and Punjab, it is 10 Kathas.
  • Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand use 5 Kathas per Bigha.
  • Karnataka, particularly Bengaluru, often employs square feet or square metres instead of Bigha and Katha for land measurement.

Understanding these regional variations is crucial for accurate land assessments and transactions.

About Katha

Katha is another unit used for land measurement, primarily in North India. It is a smaller unit compared to Bigha and is often used in real estate transactions. The dimensions of Katha also vary from region to region.

Dimensions of Katha

The dimensions of a Katha can differ significantly, but in many places, it is approximately equal to 1/20th of a Bigha. This means that 1 Katha is often considered as 1/20th of the size of 1 Bigha.

In summary, the conversion from Bigha to Katha is an essential aspect of land measurement in many parts of India and neighbouring countries. However, it is crucial to be aware of regional variations and consult with local authorities or experts to get accurate measurements for specific locations.


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Frequently asked questions

How many Katha in Bigha?

The number of Kathas in a Bigha depends on the specific region and can vary. However, a common conversion is 1 Bigha equals 20 Kathas.

How many Bigha in Katha?

The number of Bighas in a Katha can also vary based on the location. The general conversion is that 1 Katha is 1/20th of 1 Bigha.

How many Katha in 1 Bigha?

In most regions, 1 Bigha is equivalent to 20 Kathas.

How many Katha in 10 Bigha?

If 1 Bigha equals 20 Kathas, then 10 Bighas would be equivalent to 200 Kathas.

How many Katha in 100 Bigha?

If 1 Bigha equals 20 Kathas, then 100 Bighas would be equivalent to 2000 Kathas.

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