Momentum Fund

Momentum Fund focuses on companies exhibiting strong upward trends in their stock prices or earnings. The primary objective of a momentum fund is to ride the wave of rising markets, aiming to maximize returns by quickly adjusting its portfolio to align with the strongest-performing assets.
What is Momentum Fund
3 min

A momentum fund is an investment vehicle that focuses on companies showing current trends in areas like earnings or price movements. Fund managers invest in companies exhibiting positive momentum while potentially shorting stocks of those showing negative momentum.

Many financial instruments use momentum factors in the investment world. However, the momentum fund is the only instrument that concentrates exclusively on harnessing a company’s stock's directional momentum.

What is a momentum fund?

A momentum fund is a type of investment fund that focuses on stocks or assets demonstrating upward price trends. The core principle behind a momentum fund is that assets that have performed well recently are likely to continue performing well in the near future. This investment strategy leverages the idea that stocks or assets with positive momentum are more likely to maintain their growth trajectory compared to those with negative or stagnant performance.

Momentum funds typically employ quantitative analysis to identify and invest in these high-performing assets, based on factors like past price movements, trading volume, and relative strength. Managers of momentum funds use various metrics and models to make investment decisions, aiming to capture gains from short-term trends and market momentum.

Investors in momentum funds seek to capitalize on these trends to achieve higher returns. However, this approach can be riskier than more traditional investment strategies, as it relies heavily on market trends and may experience volatility during market corrections. Understanding what a momentum fund entails is crucial for investors considering this strategy to align it with their risk tolerance and investment goals.

How does Momentum Fund work?

A wide range of factors contribute to momentum analysis. It can be movements in stock price, earnings, or revenue.

In the world of investments, various momentum indices have shot into prominence. Many ETFs (or exchange-traded funds) primarily focus on momentum. These ETFs track the performance of stocks (which are present in a certain momentum index) for the last year.

In addition, a momentum score is assigned by the momentum indices. This score includes multiple fundamental attributes, such as:

  • Value
  • Size
  • Quality

This score is formulated by integrating two major aspects:

  • Fundamental analysis
  • Performance returns

When both these aspects are taken into consideration while creating the score, you get a comprehensive insight.

A technically oriented fund may invest according to indicators such as price breakouts from historical levels. When compared with funds based on technical analysis, momentum funds offer a more realistic outcome.

Historical market performance has always been given a significant weightage in momentum analysis. When including a stock, funds emphasise its past performance. This is because the fund managers believe that the past performance of a stock can help them get an idea about the stock’s future performance. This becomes more evident when the growth of revenue and earnings over time underpins positive performance.

Note of caution: You must be cautious while investing in such funds. This is because these funds exhibit a high correlation with systemic risks. In fact, they also tend to mirror the returns of the market closely.

Also read: What is a growth fund?

Analysis of Momentum Fund

Momentum analysis has been a significant area of research, with studies indicating that momentum strategies can generate significant positive returns. The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) has been tested in the Indian stock market, and the results suggest that momentum strategies can outperform the broader market.

For instance, a study found that momentum strategies can generate significant positive returns in the Indian stock market, with the weekly momentum strategy being particularly effective. This strategy involves buying stocks that have performed well in the past and selling those that have performed poorly, which can help investors generate significant profits. Behavioural factors may account for the momentum phenomenon, and introducing measures of "momentum quality" can help improve both return and downside performance.

Also read: What are Index Funds?

Should you invest in momentum funds?

Investing in momentum funds can be a lucrative strategy for investors. Momentum funds track the performance of stocks that have shown strong growth in the past, and they typically use a combination of fundamental and technical analysis to identify these stocks. Momentum funds have been shown to outperform the broader market, with studies indicating that they can generate higher returns over the long term. Another study found that momentum exhibits a greater frequency of positive months than the index, with 63% compared to the index's 54%. However, momentum funds also come with higher volatility and drawdowns, which can be a challenge for investors. To mitigate these risks, investors can consider using a volatility-adjusted momentum strategy to help reduce the pain of drawdowns while retaining most of the upside.

How much to invest?

Determining how much to invest in a momentum fund depends on several factors, including your investment goals, risk tolerance, and overall portfolio strategy. Momentum funds are known for their potential high returns but also carry a higher level of risk due to their focus on trending assets that can be volatile.

Start by evaluating your financial situation and investment objectives. If you have a higher risk tolerance and are seeking aggressive growth, allocating a significant portion of your portfolio to a momentum fund might be appropriate. However, it’s crucial to balance this with other investments to diversify your risk.

Financial advisors often recommend investing only a portion of your portfolio in momentum funds - typically around 10-20% - to avoid overexposure to market volatility. This approach allows you to take advantage of potential high returns while maintaining a stable core portfolio of more traditional, lower-risk investments.

Remember to regularly review and adjust your investment based on market conditions and personal financial changes. It's also wise to consult with a financial advisor to tailor your investment strategy to your specific needs and objectives.

Benefits of momentum funds

The top 4 momentum fund benefits are listed below:

1. Probability of high returns

Momentum funds follow the ongoing trends of stocks. You, as an investor, may earn high returns from your investment if you invest in stocks that have shown commendable strength and positive momentum recently. When a stock’s price appreciates further due to high momentum, you can make a significant amount of profit.

2. Quantifiable and objective approach

Quantitative analysis is one of the major pillars of momentum investing. It emphasises on two aspects:

  • Observable price trends
  • Performance metrics

This is a systematic and objective method of investment selection. It, therefore, helps in eliminating emotional biases from the process of decision-making.

3. Advantages of diversification

To identify stocks with uncorrelated price movements is a difficult task. However, you can solve this problem through momentum investing as it offers you the benefits of diversification. One thing you can do is invest in those multifarious sectoral stocks that demonstrate strong momentum. It will help you reduce the risk of your portfolio through diversification.

4. Active trading benefit

One of the highlights of all momentum strategies is the frequent buying/selling of stocks based on price trends, which are short-term in nature. As an active trader, you can exploit the inefficiencies of the market and create profit-making opportunities from short-term price movements.

Also read: What are equity funds?


Momentum trading helps you earn more profit by exploiting the momentum of stocks. In this process, two major strategies can be used by traders.

While one is relative momentum, the other is absolute momentum. In the case of relative momentum, you must compare the performance of different securities within a single class of asset. This strategy helps you invest only in well-performing assets and get rid of underperforming ones.

The other major momentum trading strategy is the absolute strategy. As per this strategy, a trader invests in stock only after comparing its price action with respect to its past performance over a specific time period.

As a trader, you should incorporate both of these strategies to make a profit based on the performance of stocks within and across asset classes.

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Frequently asked questions

How does a momentum fund work?
A momentum fund helps you identify stocks that show strong recent price trends. The price trend can be both positive and negative. In the case of positive momentum, a fund manager usually invests to make a profit. However, in the case of negative momentum stocks, the fund manager short-sells to make a profit. The two most popular momentum fund strategies are absolute momentum fund strategy and relative momentum fund strategy.
What is an example of momentum investing?
Suppose, a stock named “A” is trading at Rs. 100 per stock currently. In the last 30 days, its price has increased by 10%. If you see prospects in that stock by comparing it with its past price movement, you can buy 50 stocks currently to make a profit from the upward-moving price trend of the stock.

What is the difference between momentum fund and value fund?
The main difference between a momentum fund and a value fund lies in the approach and strategy of investing. In the case of a momentum fund, you make a profit by capitalising on recent price trends. If you are investing in a value fund, you try to identify stocks where you see growth potential in the short to medium term. So, you buy undervalued stocks and make a profit when the price rises in the short to medium term.
What is the return of momentum fund?

The return of a momentum fund varies based on market conditions and the performance of trending assets. For instance, the Motilal Oswal Nifty 500 Momentum 50 Index Fund reported a return of 18.45% since its inception, reflecting its focus on high-performing stocks.

Is momentum mutual fund good?

Yes, a momentum mutual fund can be a good choice for investors seeking high returns from trending stocks. These funds leverage momentum strategies to capitalize on current market trends, potentially offering substantial gains. However, they come with higher risk and volatility, so they should be aligned with your risk tolerance.

What are the disadvantages of momentum funds?

Momentum funds have several disadvantages, including high volatility and the risk of substantial losses during market corrections. They rely heavily on short-term trends, which can lead to significant fluctuations. Additionally, they may underperform during periods of market stagnation or when trends reverse abruptly.

How many momentum funds are there in India?

In India, there are several momentum funds available, each designed to capitalise on trending stocks. The number of such funds can vary as new funds are introduced and existing ones evolve to meet market demands.

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