Smart financial management is not just about saving, it is about making your savings work for you. An auto sweep is one mechanism that can help. This feature, often paired with Fixed Deposit (FD), offers an automatic way to earn more interest without sacrificing easy access to your money.
What is an auto sweep facility?
An auto sweep facility is like a financial bridge between your savings account and a fixed deposit. It automatically transfers extra money from your saving account to a fixed deposit when your balance exceeds a certain amount. If you need those funds later, the facility smoothly transfers them back into your savings account. This lets you earn better returns without worrying about having enough cash on hand.
FD are the great option to invest your money as they offer guaranteed returns, and their interest rate are not affected by market fluctuations.
How an auto sweep facility works
Imagine your savings account and a fixed deposit are linked together. FDs generally offer higher interest rates than regular savings accounts. Here is how an auto sweep works:
- You set a limit: You choose a threshold amount for your savings account. This is the minimum amount you want to keep into your saving account.
- Extra money gets moved: When your savings balance goes above your set limit, the extra money is automatically transferred to your linked FD.
- Easy access: If you need to withdraw money and your savings balance falls below your limit, funds automatically transfer back from the FD into your savings account.
Let us understand this with an example
Let say you have Rs. 70,000 in your savings account and your monthly expenses are around Rs. 20,000. You set your savings account limit at that amount. With Auto Sweep, the remaining Rs. 50,000 is automatically transferred into an FD, where it starts earning higher interest.
Now you need some extra cash for an unexpected expense. Auto Sweep conveniently transfers the amount you need, say Rs. 10,000 from your FD back to your savings account. This ensures you have immediate access to your funds while keeping the rest of your money invested and growing in the FD.