In case you need additional funds while repaying your current gold loan, you can choose to apply for a top-up loan. If your eligibility is more than your outstanding loan amount, you can receive the remaining balance as a top-up loan.
When you opt for a top-up, your old gold loan account is closed, and a new loan account number (LAN) is created. This new LAN contains the information regarding your top-up amount and the existing loan. Here is a step-by-step guide to applying for a top-up on your gold loan with Bajaj Finance.
Through our website
To check your top-up offer, simply visit our customer portal - My Account. It is important to note that there may be additional charges associated with applying for a top-up loan. Follow these steps to apply for a top-up:
- Visit the customer portal and click on the ‘Sign-in’ button
- Enter your registered mobile number and the OTP to sign-in.
- Verify your personal details, including your date of birth and proceed.
- Select your gold loan account from the ‘My Relations’ section.
- Within the ‘Things you can do’ section, click on the ‘Top-up Loan’ option.
- Select the preferred top-up loan amount variant and click on proceed
- Check the loan agreement and proceed with your application.
- Verify your details by entering the OTP sent to your registered mobile number.
Though our mobile app
- Visit the Bajaj Finance customer portal - My Account
- Enter your registered mobile number and the OTP.
- Verify yourself with your date of birth and proceed.
- Select your gold loan account from the ‘My Relations’ section.
- Within the ‘Things you can do’ section, click on the ‘Top-up Loan’ option.
- Select the preferred top-up loan amount variant and click on proceed
- Check the loan agreement and proceed with your application.
- Verify your details by entering the OTP sent to your registered mobile number.
Through our dedicated branches
You can also visit any of our dedicated gold loan branches to speak to our representatives and get approval on your request for top-up loan.