How a financial institution determines how much loan to give you, continues to be a subject of mystery. We want to demystify this world for you and introduce you to a few factors that you will need to keep track of to enjoy higher loan amount sanctions.
A range of demographic details goes into calculating your loan eligibility and amount.
- Age: Lenders usually offer personal loans to individuals who are between 20 to 70 years of age. For us, the range is 21 years to 80 years*.
- Monthly income: As a matter of fact, the higher your monthly income, the higher will be your sanctioned loan amount.
- City of residence: Your loan amount could vary from city to city. The reason for this is that in most cases, the salaries in larger cities are more than those in small towns.
- Monthly expenses and loan repayments: Your total monthly outflow of loan expenses gives an idea of how much money is already committed and cannot be used to repay additional instalments. This ratio is your debt-to-income ratio. The lower the ratio, the higher the sanctioned loan amount, and vice versa.
- Credit score: Your credit score is the single most important factor for the lender. A higher credit score not only improves the probability of your getting a loan but also a higher sanctioned amount. We have a CIBIL Score threshold of 685 or higher for our loan applicants.
- Repayment history: Paying your ongoing EMIs on time is a healthy practice and shows your financial discipline. When you pay your EMI on time, your credit score is impacted positively, and vice versa.
We have a host of useful tools that you can use to find out your loan eligibility, starting with our online personal loan eligibility calculator.